The Two Little Owls Guide to the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen: Making Healthy Choices for Your Family

Welcome to another edition of Wellness Wednesday here at Two Little Owls Schoolhouse! Today, we're zooming in on two critical lists that all parents should know about—The Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen. Understanding these lists can make a significant difference in the well-being of our little ones.

What Are the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen?

These lists are released yearly by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to help parents like you make educated decisions about which fruits and vegetables are best to buy organic and which are safe to buy conventionally grown.

The Dirty Dozen: High Pesticide Residue

This list comprises fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, spinach, and apples, which tend to have higher pesticide residues when grown conventionally.

The Clean Fifteen: Lower Pesticide Residue

On the flip side, the Clean Fifteen includes produce like avocados and sweet corn that generally have lower pesticide residues when not organically grown.

Why is this Crucial for Your Family?

The Concerning Link Between Pesticides and Child Development

Understanding these lists is especially essential when it comes to the health of our children. Here’s why:

  • Neurological Development: Certain pesticides can disrupt the developing nervous system, affecting a child’s cognitive function and behavior.

  • Hormone Disruption: Pesticides may act as endocrine disruptors, affecting growth, development, and even long-term reproductive health.

  • Respiratory Concerns: Children exposed to pesticides are at higher risk for respiratory issues like asthma and wheezing.

  • Developmental Delays: Some pesticides are linked to delays in motor development and coordination.

  • Weakened Immune System: Exposure can compromise the immune system, leaving children more vulnerable to illnesses.

The Two Little Owls Approach to Nutrition

Here at Two Little Owls, we’re committed to the comprehensive well-being of our kids. Nutrition plays a vital role in the holistic education and care we offer, and we aim to make choices that foster healthy, growing bodies and minds.

Practical Ways to Use This Information

  • Opt for Organic: When shopping for items on the Dirty Dozen list, going organic is a safer bet to minimize pesticide exposure.

  • Budget-Conscious Choices: Organic not an option? Choose alternatives from the Clean Fifteen list.

  • Wash and Peel: Always wash and, when applicable, peel fruits and vegetables to minimize pesticide residues.

  • Educate Your Community: Share this information with friends and family to help make healthier choices easier for everyone.

Let's make every small decision count in shaping a healthy future for our children. Together, we can provide our kids with the best nutrition nature has to offer.

#WellnessWednesday #Clean15 #DirtyDozen #HealthyFamilies #NutritionFirst #ChildhoodWellness #TwoLittleOwls #NurtureGrowingMinds


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