10 Essential Back-to-School Supplies for Preschoolers: Get Ready for a Year of Fun Learning!

Are you ready to embark on a new learning adventure with your little one? The start of preschool or daycare is an exciting milestone, and getting the right back-to-school supplies can make the transition even more enjoyable. At Two Little Owls Schoolhouse, we believe that learning should be fun, and that includes preparing for it! So, let's dive into the top 10 essential back-to-school supplies for preschoolers that will help your child spread their wings and soar through a year of exploration, creativity, and growth.

  1. Backpack with Personality: Choose a backpack that reflects your child's unique personality. Whether it's adorned with colorful dinosaurs, friendly animals, or vibrant patterns, a backpack that your child loves will make them look forward to carrying their supplies.

  2. Lunchbox of Delight: Make lunchtime an adventure with a fun and functional lunchbox. Look for compartments to keep snacks organized and opt for a design that brings a smile to your child's face every day. We recommend choosing a stainless steel interior option to prevent any unnecessary leaching of plastic into delightful lunch or snack foods. WeeSprout makes a nice option on Amazon. You can buy some stickers so your little can decorate!

  3. Crayons and Markers Galore: Stock up on crayons, markers, and colored pencils in a rainbow of hues. These are essential tools for artistic expression and early writing skills development. Honeysticks are non-toxic and made of beeswax, plus nice and wide for learning to grip.

  4. Glue Sticks and Child-Safe Scissors: Crafting and creating are key parts of preschool learning. Ensure you have child-safe scissors (our resident expert recommends Fiskars blunt tip for learning!) and glue sticks to support their fine motor skills and imaginative projects.

  5. Washable Art Smocks: Messy play is a preschooler's specialty. Protect their clothes (and your sanity) with washable art smocks or aprons. These are a lifesaver for art class and messy science experiments. We love the Bumkins Brand!

  6. Extra Set of Clothes: Accidents happen, especially during potty training. Keep a change of clothes in your child's backpack just in case. A superhero-themed t-shirt can make changing more fun!

  7. Tissues and Hand Sanitizer: Cold and flu season is never far away. Stock up on tissues and child-friendly hand sanitizer to keep germs at bay and little noses clean. Handzies Wipes are the best and our go-to for the diaper bag or purse when out and about!

  8. Backpack-Friendly Water Bottle: Hydration is crucial, even for little learners. Choose a spill-proof water bottle that fits perfectly in their backpack for easy access throughout the day. Again- best to choose something with a stainless steel inside! We recommend the Camelbak- and they come in lots of fun patterns!

  9. Storybooks and Comfort Items: Include a beloved storybook or a small comfort item like a soft toy in their backpack. These items can provide comfort during quiet moments and transitions. Check out our last post on recommended back-to-school books for this age group!

  10. A Positive Attitude: While not something you can buy in a store, a positive attitude from both you and your child is the most essential back-to-school supply. Encourage a sense of excitement, curiosity, and a can-do spirit as you embark on this new adventure together.

Remember, back-to-school supplies are not just about getting ready for the academic side of things; they're also about embracing the joy of learning and making new friends. At Two Little Owls Schoolhouse, we're committed to providing a warm and nurturing environment where your child can grow and thrive. So, gather these supplies, and let's make this school year one filled with smiles, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

Welcome to the world of learning, little owls!


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