Books for Your 0-5 Year Old to Support the Back to School Fall Transition

Hello to my vibrant Fams! 

As we gear up for the back-to-school season, we understand the importance of preparing your little ones not only academically, but also emotionally. To assist you in this journey, I’ve curated a list of heartwarming books that emphasize social-emotional learning and focus on the transition back to preschool. Let's explore these delightful reads tailored for each age group:

0-1 Years: Sharing Love and Togetherness

  • "Guess How Much I Love You" by Sam McBratney

    • This book holds a special place in my heart for its heartfelt message. As a parent, I believe it's crucial to lay the foundation of love and connection from the very beginning. "Guess How Much I Love You" beautifully captures the essence of expressing boundless love to our little ones, creating a sense of security that will resonate as they embark on their preschool journey.

1-2 Years: Nurturing Emotions

  • "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn

    • This book tugs at my heartstrings because it addresses the feelings of separation that can accompany the preschool transition. The concept of the Kissing Hand is such a touching way to reassure our kids that our love is always with them, no matter where they go. It's a tool that empowers both parents and children with a tangible connection that eases the separation anxiety.

  • "Llama Llama Misses Mama" by Anna Dewdney

    • As a parent, I've seen firsthand the mix of emotions that accompany a child's first day of preschool. "Llama Llama Misses Mama" does a wonderful job of capturing those feelings and turning them into a relatable story. It's a book I've read with my child, and together we've found comfort in understanding that it's okay to feel a little uncertain in new situations.

2-3 Years: Friendship and Empathy

  • "Maisy Goes to Preschool" by Lucy Cousins

    • What I love about "Maisy Goes to Preschool" is how it introduces young children to the idea of making friends and participating in activities together. Maisy's world feels so inviting and friendly, just like the environment we aim to create at Two Little Owls Schoolhouse. This book serves as a gentle introduction to the wonderful world of preschool friendships.

  • "The Berenstain Bears Go to School" by Stan and Jan Berenstain

    • "The Berenstain Bears Go to School" is a timeless favorite in my family. The relatable experiences of Brother Bear help open conversations about empathy and understanding, as children explore the feelings of their peers. It's a book that not only prepares kids for preschool but also encourages them to embrace and support one another.

3-4 Years: Embracing Challenges

  • "Wemberly Worried" by Kevin Henkes

    • "Wemberly Worried" hits close to home for me because it reflects the real worries that can fill a child's mind when facing new experiences. This book offers a valuable lesson in building resilience and managing anxieties. It's a reminder that every challenge can be overcome with courage and the support of loved ones.

  • "The Night Before Preschool" by Natasha Wing

    • "The Night Before Preschool" holds a special place in my heart as it captures the palpable excitement of kids anticipating their first day. The book's energy is contagious, and I've seen how it can help ease children's nerves by presenting preschool as a fun adventure shared by all.

4-5 Years: Embracing Independence

  • "Mouse's First Day of School" by Lauren Thompson

    • "Mouse's First Day of School" resonates with me because it perfectly captures a preschooler's natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. As our kids become more independent, this book encourages them to approach new experiences with excitement, just like Mouse does.

  • "Planet Kindergarten" by Sue Ganz-Schmitt

    • "Planet Kindergarten" is a delightful pick that transports children to an imaginative world. I love how this book sparks creativity and curiosity, fostering a sense of adventure in approaching new challenges. It's a joyful reminder that preschool is an exciting journey full of opportunities to learn and grow.

Each of these books is more than just a story—it's a chance to bond, explore emotions, and engage in meaningful conversations with your child. Happy reading, connecting, and growing together!

Biggest Love for the NEW YEAR!

SolBe Mar


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